While I was out of town for the previous post, my cousin had made some cupcakes. She had planned on making something special for her dad. I wish I would have thought to bring my caking kit! Oh well. They turned out great! And the Army theme was wonderful! I did get to use Wilton's Sparkle Gel. I had anticipated that it would taste rather strange. But it actually didn't have much of a flavor at all. I will say that I found it funny how quickly I have gotten adjusted to using the decorating bags and tips. If I ever use it again, I might make a parchment bag and use it that way. I must say that my cousin is so thoughtful. She didn't miss a beat when it came to making the day special for her Dad.
Now, on to my cake. I have not idea why I decide to use a totally new recipe on a class cake. You would think that I would attempt it on something a little less important. Oh well. I made a Pina Colada cake. I had another caking friend try it and I couldn't resist. I had strained some crushed pineapple. Then substituted the water in my cake mix for pinapple juice. Then right before placing it in the oven, I folded in the crushed pineapple. The cake took a little longer to bake though. The other thing was that I put coconut extract in the icing instead of vanilla. It surprised me at how much I had to use in order to get a decent coconut flavor. The other thing that I did was instead of using corn syrup or milk to thin out my icing, I used the pinapple juice. That was another mistake. ha ha In small amounts, the icing seperated. Which didn't work out so well with my green icing. It looked pretty cool though.
As far as decorating, we really just finished off the rose technique. And learned how to place roses on our cakes. One of these days, I will learn how to pipe my roses directly on my cake. But until then, I will continue to use my flower nail. Oh, one other thing...the cake was SO MOIST! Which makes for wonderful eating...but it sucks to decorate. At one point, a golf ball sized chunck fell out of my cake. I had to pipe extra icing into the cake just to fill the space. In the end, it looked alright. I wouldn't feel comfortable having someone pay for it. Because it wasn't quite perfect. (You can see in the pictures below where it wasn't quite the right.) But the taste of the cake was incredible. Normally, I leave a few pieces at home and then take the rest to work. That wasn't the case with this one. No one in the house was quite willing to see the cake leave.
Wilton has recently changed the courses around. Instead of Course 2, it is now being called Flowers and Cake design. That course will be starting this coming Monday. I have yet to go buy my Student Kit. But I will be doing that before the weekend is over. I will be blogging my way through it though.
In other news, I am preparing for my first wedding cake. I have been doing tons of research. And planning out what everything is going to look like. Words can not express how nervous I am. But, when all is said and done, I'm sure that I will demand perfection out of myself....stress myself out....and end up with an incredible cake.
I'll keep you updated! Happy Caking!
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